Content Strategy & Editorial Management

Are you trying to figure out how to cover a new area, tackle a new topic or just improve the bang for your buck for your day-to-day content?

I’m here to help.

Having run newsrooms and built teams for more than 8 years, I’m well versed in analyzing competitive properties, finding a strong position, and gearing up a team to hit the ground running.

As a managing editor I can:

  • Workshop content ideas with stakeholders
  • Assign and manage freelance writers
  • Developmental and structural editing to improve copy
  • Line edit to ensure content follows the style and editorial guidelines of the publication

What’s That Flavor? I Can’t Taste It Over All This Noise

What’s That Flavor? I Can’t Taste It Over All This Noise

Discover, October 14 2010.

White noise doesn’t just drown out other noises, it drowns out taste too, says research in the appropriately named Journal of Food Quality and Preference. This could help explain why airplane food tastes so bland, why we eat more with the TV on, and why..

Posted by Jennifer Welsh in 2010, Discover magazine, News Article, Psychology & Behavior
Plastic Chemical BPA Is Officially Toxic in Canada

Plastic Chemical BPA Is Officially Toxic in Canada

Discover, October 14 2010.

The Canadian government today declared bisphenol A, a chemical in plastics also known as BPA, to be toxic.

A scientific assessment of the impact of human and environmental exposure to bisphenol A has determined that this substance constitutes or may constitute..

Posted by Jennifer Welsh in 2010, Climate & Environment, Discover magazine, News Article
X Marks the Spot of a Dramatic Asteroid Collision

X Marks the Spot of a Dramatic Asteroid Collision

Discover, October 14 2010.

Out in the asteroid belt beyond Mars, two asteroids rendezvous-ed in the darkness, with explosive results. Atomic bomb level explosive. These two asteroids, one probably 400 feet wide and the other, smaller asteroid around 10 to 15 feet across, collided sometime in..

Posted by Jennifer Welsh in 2010, Discover magazine, News Article, Space & Astronomy
Punching Robot Totally Breaks Asimov’s First Rule

Punching Robot Totally Breaks Asimov’s First Rule

Discover, October 14 2010.

How much harm would a robot cause, if a robot could cause harm? Ok, admittedly that’s not as good of a tongue twister as the woodchuck chucking wood, but it’s a legitimate question being posed by researchers in Slovenia. In Slovenia, where electronic..

Posted by Jennifer Welsh in 2010, Discover magazine, News Article, Technology & AI
Obama Administration Lifts Deep-Water Drilling Moratorium

Obama Administration Lifts Deep-Water Drilling Moratorium

Discover, October 13 2010.

On Tuesday the U.S. government repealed the six-month ban on deep-water drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, enacted in May in response to BP’s Deepwater Horizon oil spill.

“We are open for business,” Interior Secretary Ken Salazar told reporters..

Posted by Jennifer Welsh in 2010, Climate & Environment, Discover magazine, News Article
The Platypus Can Poison You 80 Different Ways

The Platypus Can Poison You 80 Different Ways

Discover, October 13 2010.

The platypus is a bit like a fruitcake. Shove a bunch of leftover genes in there, mix it up and send it to your relatives see what kind of animal you get.

That’s kind of the approach evolution used when designing this odd creature’s venom; scientists..

Posted by Jennifer Welsh in 2010, Animals & Insects, Discover magazine, News Article
Does a 200-Year-Old Gourd Contain the Blood of a Beheaded King?

Does a 200-Year-Old Gourd Contain the Blood of a Beheaded King?

Discover, October 13 2010.

Dried blood on a handkerchief, a $700,000 gourd and one dead king. A forensic murder mystery? Nope, just another genetics paper. I mean, it is gourd season, what did you expect? The dead king in question is Louis XVI (the last of the French kings), who was ceremoniously..

Posted by Jennifer Welsh in 2010, Anthropology & Archeology, Discover magazine, News Article
2 Ways to Keep an Eye on Illegal Logging: Watch on Tiger-Cam; Bug the Trees

2 Ways to Keep an Eye on Illegal Logging: Watch on Tiger-Cam; Bug the Trees

Discover, October 12 2010.

Motion-activated cameras have been used to catch bad nannies and adulterers for years. But in the forest, a high-tech, heat-detecting nannycam has caught video not just of the rare tigers that were its intended targets, but also of some unexpected forest-dwellers:..

Posted by Jennifer Welsh in 2010, Climate & Environment, Discover magazine, News Article
How & Why to Write a Bacterial Opera for the Ig Nobel Awards

How & Why to Write a Bacterial Opera for the Ig Nobel Awards

Discover, October 12 2010.

Marc Abrahams enjoys writing operas, but until a few years ago had never even been to one. Abrahams is the editor and co-creator of the Annals of Improbable Research, the science humor magazine that gave birth to the Ig Nobel awards, a marvelous celebration of quirky..

Posted by Jennifer Welsh in 2010, Discover magazine, Feature, Microbiology & Immunology
Um… That “Goldilocks” Exoplanet May Not Exist

Um… That “Goldilocks” Exoplanet May Not Exist

Discover, October 12 2010.

A group of Swiss astronomers announced yesterday at the International Astronomical Union’s annual meeting in Turin, Italy, that they couldn’t detect the “goldilocks” exoplanet found by U.S. researchers a few weeks ago. That news of that..

Posted by Jennifer Welsh in 2010, Discover magazine, News Article, Space & Astronomy