Content Strategy & Editorial Management

Are you trying to figure out how to cover a new area, tackle a new topic or just improve the bang for your buck for your day-to-day content?

I’m here to help.

Having run newsrooms and built teams for more than 8 years, I’m well versed in analyzing competitive properties, finding a strong position, and gearing up a team to hit the ground running.

As a managing editor I can:

  • Workshop content ideas with stakeholders
  • Assign and manage freelance writers
  • Developmental and structural editing to improve copy
  • Line edit to ensure content follows the style and editorial guidelines of the publication

Study: A “Pessimistic” Dog Is More Likely to Destroy Your Slippers

Study: A “Pessimistic” Dog Is More Likely to Destroy Your Slippers

Discover, October 12 2010.

Doggie separation anxiety–the whining, scratching, and general misbehaving that happens when some dogs are left home alone–is somehow linked to the dog’s general outlook on life, new research says. Coauthor Emily Blackwell explains that she wondered..

Posted by Jennifer Welsh in 2010, Animals & Insects, Discover magazine, News Article
Offshore Wind Farming Gets a Giant Google Boost

Offshore Wind Farming Gets a Giant Google Boost

Discover, October 12 2010.

A huge offshore wind energy project took a leap forward today with the announcement that Google and the investment firm Good Energies are backing the mammoth underwater transmission lines that would carry clean electricity up and down the East Coast. The $5 billion..

Posted by Jennifer Welsh in 2010, Climate & Environment, Discover magazine, News Article
Google’s Self-Driving Cars Are Cruising the California Highways

Google’s Self-Driving Cars Are Cruising the California Highways

Discover, October 11 2010.

Google announced this weekend that it has been driving automated cars around California’s roads, and that the vehicles have already logged about 140,000 miles. A fully automated car just finished a big trip–all the way from Google’s campus in Mountain..

Posted by Jennifer Welsh in 2010, Discover magazine, News Article, Technology & AI
“Whale Wars” TV Show Leads to Real-Life Feud Between Activists

“Whale Wars” TV Show Leads to Real-Life Feud Between Activists

Discover, October 11 2010.

It’s not so surprising that the violent destruction of a $1.5 million boat would lead to an argument. But you would expect the argument to be between the owners of the boat and the vessel that rammed it. Instead, members of the activist group Sea Shepherd Conservation..

Posted by Jennifer Welsh in 2010, Animals & Insects, Discover magazine, News Article
Paint + Sound Waves + High Speed Cameras = Mind-Boggling Beauty

Paint + Sound Waves + High Speed Cameras = Mind-Boggling Beauty

Discover, October 8 2010.

Who would think a printer would inspire such beautiful art?

A collaboration between the ad company Dentsu London, Canon printers, and photographer/biochemist Linden Gledhill created these “sound sculptures” which use high speed cameras to catch..

Posted by Jennifer Welsh in 2010, Discover magazine, Slideshow, Technology & AI
Digital Retouching Reaches a Whole New Level, and a New Cup Size

Digital Retouching Reaches a Whole New Level, and a New Cup Size

Discover, October 8 2010.

Dudes: are you looking to get that Baywatch body without all the pumping of iron? All you need is a little “MovieReshape” and you can be virtually buff! Just don’t let anyone see you in person. MovieReshape is a program created by Christian Theobalt at..

Posted by Jennifer Welsh in 2010, Discover magazine, News Article, Technology & AI
A New Exoskeleton Allows Paralyzed People to Walk Again

A New Exoskeleton Allows Paralyzed People to Walk Again

Discover, October 8 2010.

Hugging someone standing up. Going on a hike. Making eye contact with someone at their level, instead of always being looked down upon. These are simple things that people stuck in wheelchairs don’t have a chance to experience in daily life. 


Posted by Jennifer Welsh in 2010, Discover magazine, News Article, Technology & AI
Green Living Meets Vertical Farming in Wacky “Edible House” Design

Green Living Meets Vertical Farming in Wacky “Edible House” Design

Discover, October 7 2010.

In our buzzword world we hear a lot about things like green living, but the architectural firm Rios Clementi Hale Studios wants to really bring the hype home. Spurred by a challenge from The Wall Street Journal to build the “Green House of the Future,”..

Posted by Jennifer Welsh in 2010, Climate & Environment, Discover magazine, Slideshow
Tropical Animals May Get a Dangerous Metabolic Jolt From Climate Change

Tropical Animals May Get a Dangerous Metabolic Jolt From Climate Change

Discover, October 7 2010.

While the temperature effects of climate change are expected to be less dramatic in the equatorial regions, the cold-blooded tropical animals that live there may be in for a dramatic shock. A study published this week in Nature focused on these cold-blooded animals–including..

Posted by Jennifer Welsh in 2010, Animals & Insects, Discover magazine, News Article
Alcohol Makes You Think Everyone Is Out to Get You

Alcohol Makes You Think Everyone Is Out to Get You

Discover, October 7 2010.

Drunk fights are a typical occurrence at some bars–but why does drinking make us more likely to fight? Kate Shaw over at Ars Technica gives us a good example of a typical confrontation:

If you’ve ever had one (or ten) too many drinks at a bar, you’re..

Posted by Jennifer Welsh in 2010, Discover magazine, News Article, Psychology & Behavior